
HKHands store is only a platform for providing trading service. The listed products are uploaded and sold by the sellers themselves, and HKHands store will not interfere with transactions between buyers and sellers. If there is a dispute over the transaction, the buyer and the seller must negotiate and resolve it by themselves.


(1) This service is not responsible for any news, opinions, views, prices and transaction information on the website.
(2) This service is not responsible for any comments or information posted by registered members or visitors.
(3) This service is not responsible for the news, opinions, views or information provided on any external linked websites, databases, electronic bulletin boards or nodes on the internet.
(4) This service is not responsible for any damage, loss, or malfunction of any computer, communication equipment, network, or any hardware, software, or data connected directly or indirectly to this website.

If this service or information causes property, physical, psychological, reputation, legal, or other loss or injury to the user under any circumstances, HKHands store and its responsible person, staff, agent or maintainer will not be liable to any responsibility.

HKHands store will endeavor to support creative designers and strive to protect fair transactions and rights of buyers and sellers.
If you have any questions, please contact via contact@hkhands.com