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【StephyDesignHK】【絲巾多件套禮盒】方巾+髮帶絲巾+絲巾扣 多件套經典禮盒 | 客製化
HK$ 358 - 398

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  • Manufacture Mainly Machine, Partly Handmade
  • Place of Origin CHINA
  • Stock Have Stock
  • Delivery Origin HONG KONG
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  • Stephydesignhk:【絲巾多件套禮盒】方巾+髮帶絲巾+絲巾扣 三入經典高級禮盒套裝 | 客製化

    全新推出4款不同主題的精美高級禮盒套裝 , 提供了多樣性的選擇,禮物可以根據自己的喜好和需要選擇不同款式的絲巾來搭配不同的服飾,尤其受到女性喜愛。

    *主題一 素雅蘭花經典禮盒套裝
    *主題二 貓語經典禮盒套裝
    *主題三 靈鳥魚經典禮盒套裝
    *主題四 萌兔經典禮盒套裝

    ▶︎絲巾高級禮盒 - 1條方形絲巾 + 1條長形絲巾+ 1個水晶面三環絲巾扣 入一個禮盒.
    ❀三環絲巾扣: 純銅材質/ 25mm水晶面 / 絲巾圈18MM直徑

    絲巾扣使用視頻教材免費隨禮盒附送, 創意綁法超過15款

    ++++更加貼心讓人喜愛 - 客製專屬個人收藏絲巾扣++++

    ◆ 個人客製絲巾扣, 可以在絲巾扣上加英文字母,日期送給她, 表達對她獨一的感謝.

    注意: 絲巾扣加字是個別客製, 需要5-7個工作天製作喔!

    購買選項, 你可以按個人喜好, 選購以下不同選項。

    A.) 選擇絲巾扣禮盒主題

    B.) 選擇絲巾扣客製
    1.) 不需要客製
    2.) 加購客製專屬名字








【About StephyDesignHK |Be Joyful, Be Fashion, Be Tasteful,Be Details】
Stephy products feature original artwork of using paintings, drawings, and colors to capture the world’s existing beauty and love, All our design and products we made from our heart, soul, and love. We hope to share Joyful and Colorful life with our fans, thanks for supporting and follow Stephy ♥ ♥ ♥

Local Delivery (HONG KONG)
  • Local Courier Free Postage (Local Courier)
Overseas Delivery
  • MACAU:
    HK$ 24 - first item
    HK$ 24 - additional item
    HK$ 24 - first item
    HK$ 24 - additional item
  • For Not Specified Locations, Contact For Quotation On Delivery

STEPHY was founded in HK by a MUM. Her daughter Stephy is a lovely and innocence 2-year-old baby girl.
Stephy is small eyes, a big face, always with an innocent smile. Her world is full of fantasy and love.

All our design and products we make, we love that’s our promise.

Stephy HONG KONG Colourful & Charming illustrations Gift
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