《ILLUSMONTAGE 2025》Illustration Yearbook is now available 💖

《ILLUSMONTAGE》is the first Hong Kong illustration yearbook supervised by HKHands. Combining the words ”illustration“ and ”montage“, the artist‘s illustrations express the new concept of illustration. Since 2023, the yearbook has been exhibited in Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Frankfurt, South Korea and other places, successfully promoting illustration among international.

The cover illustration of the 2025 edition is designed by MANFUNG @l.manfung, a popular new generation HK illustrator. Starting from the five major categories of illustration, advertising, animation, publishing and graphic design, a record-breaking of 123 new generation illustrators from Asia have been included, 70% of whom are debuted. Explore the world of creativity and artistic style with our captivating yearbook! Inside, it includes exclusive interviews with MANFUNG and Amigo Koike, the former chairman of the Tokyo Illustrators Association. They share knowledge of their creative processes, offering you to join their vibrant minds.

No matter where you are in your creative journey, this yearbook resonates with the inspiration of illustrators. Immerse yourself in the infinite creativity and vitality that awaits you!

Gather the power of Hong Kong illustrations to connect the world with illustrations!💞

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