See and be Discovered in the Illustration and Creative Design
The Hong Kong Illustration and Creative Show is an unique and professional exhibition, that welcomes artists from illustrations, digital illustrations, animations, crafts, characters, figures, fine arts, creative designs and other related fields to participate in, promote, expand networks and communicate with the public.
We look forward to weaving contemporary illustration and creative design with you at the Hong Kong Illustration and Creative Show.
#Creators' Dream Platform
宅係屋企大半年,睇嚟要等到佛誔先去得旅行…🤦🏻♀️ 日日係屋企除左煲劇睇 OPPA,上網追韓星 IG 之外🧏🏻♂️,緊係周圍搵下有咩韓國嘢買下,一解不能回鄉之苦。今日介紹一個超過 40 年的地道韓國貼紙品牌 "Latech"比大家。全部由韓國插畫師設計,數十種不同風格及題材,100% 韓國🇰🇷直送,總有一款岩你心意。同事、朋友一齊夾單買啦!
Know More近幾年絲巾的穿搭分享越來越多,除了圍在頸上,亦可以綁上頭髮及腰身,營造時尚感、慵懶感或打造一種甜美氣質風格🥨
本地插畫師 Stephy 以喜悅和繽紛的色彩,設計出一系列的絲巾。每一條都充滿特色,彷如將一個個🩰浪漫的場景定格。是大家春日必備的單品!🎁
人氣系列:濟州山茶花女孩🌺、泡沫美人魚家族🧜🏻♀️、喜結良緣新婚系列💒、夢幻獨角獸🦄 等等
女生出門最愛配搭不同的飾物,美美的小飾物可以令人心情愉快,帶對了更可以讓造型更突出,一舉兩得。小編今次分享的飾物品牌 Silent Moment 以「花🌻」和「香草☘️」的自然美為靈感,再利用細號鉤針和纖幼線材編織出溫柔、細膩、輕盈的甜美飾物。
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